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[롤] 9.21 패치 버프/너프 예정 챔피언 목록

by 크라운고기 2019. 10. 13.

롤 9.21 패치의 버프와 너프 챔피언들이 공개되었습니다.


9.20 패치에서 리워크가 된 빅토르, 가렌, 샤코 

세 명의 챔피언이 모두 패치 내역에 들어있습니다.

하지만 빅토르 혼자만 버프를 받을 예정이며, 가렌과 샤코는 너프에 들어갑니다.


Garen and Shaco changes so far 
  • Directionally changes seem promising, with the E and R changes especially working as hoped in terms of the gameplay they create.
  • Looks like he's too strong, though probably at nerfs next patch levels not hotfix levels of too strong. First thing we'll test is weaker level one boxes, aimed particularly at hitting how quickly he's clearing his initial camps and hitting level 3.
  • Power wise our minimum goal is to ensure he's not weaker than before the changes, even if we have to pull back on some of the just added power.
  • Is also looking too strong and a candidate for nerfs next patch. As expected with Garen he’s less out of line in high MMR, though still on the strong side even there.
  • Not sure yet how good attack speed as a build path is for him post E changes. Our goal was that it should be an option, rather than mandatory or always a mistake.
  • Another goal was to shift power to his early game, the belief being that that's both part of Garen's historic identity we wanted to bring back and generally an appropriate pattern for juggernauts. Does look like that's working so far.
  • In terms of overall power as with Shaco we'd like to ensure that he doesn't end up weaker than before the changes at a minimum. 

출처 : http://www.inven.co.kr/board/lol/2778/66204


리그오브레전드 인벤 : 가렌&샤코 리워크에 대한 전문 - LoL 실시간 유저 정보 게시판

Garen and Shaco changes so far Shaco:Directionally changes seem promising, with the E and R changes especially working as hoped in terms of the gameplay they create.Looks like he's too strong, though probably at nerfs next patch levels not hotfix levels of


다른 글에 따르면 샤코의 경우 리워크에 굉장히 성공적이라는 반응을 보이고 있으며,

다음 패치 때 초반 정글 속도 부분을 조정할 것으로 보입니다.


또한 가렌은 현재 공속 템들을 선택해야만 하는 트리를 보여주고 있습니다만, 

이 부분에 대해서 수정을 진행해주지 않을까 싶습니다.


두 챔피언 모두 너프 예정이기는 하지만 리워크 전보다는 약해지지 않을 정도로만

너프를 진행한다고 하니깐 큰 걱정은 없을 것 같습니다.


